Cambiare 315

About Cambiare 315
Our professional team helps you to make the right choice for your organ, and for the right price!
210 McKechney Ave Diamond City
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Organ Details
The Cambiare 315 is a Hauptwerk Mondri model organ that comes with the Content internal audio system.
3 Manuals
Touch sensitive keyboards
State-of-the-art Mondri console
Also Included
The Content standard features for this organ are backed by factory support and guarantee.
User friendly control
Multifunctional audio system
Easy switching between sample sets
Ability support and installation new sample sets via internet connection
Ultimate sound experience by Content sound protocol

210 Mckechney Ave
Diamond City AB T0K 0T0
Phone: (403) 795-9597
Models and specifications may change without notification. Please be informed that the pictures on this website may be different from the standard version. Appearance and options of the models may vary according to local requirements. You are kindly invited to verify the specifications of the individual models by contacting us.